
How pregnancy hormones affect your body

Pregnancy Hormones

Weight gain. 

More than one in four women in Singapore are found to put on too much weight during their pregnancies, a study has shown.It’s always best to check with your healthcare provider on how much weight you should gain during the entire duration of the pregnancy. 

During a healthy pregnancy, women typically gain between 10 to16 kg, and even more for some. The spine has to support that weight. Often that causes lower back pain and especially at the later trimester. The weight of the growing baby and uterus also puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerves in the pelvis and back. 

Keep your weight in check when you’re pregnant and avoid falling in the trap of making excuses that you can just eat anything you want in unlimited quantities just because you’re eating for two. Always opt for a healthy, balanced diet. Steer clear of too much carbohydrates that can be found in white rice and white flour. 

Fluid retention 

Swelling because of fluid retention is not uncommon during pregnancy. Doctors will tell you that the pregnant body produces 50 percent more fluids and blood because the baby needs it to develop and mature. A growing uterus and changing hormones causes swelling on the face, fingers, legs and feet. 

To reduce the swelling, opt for gentle exercises such as yoga and swimming. If your legs and feet hurt, elevate them for 20 minutes. A good massage by a well-trained masseuse provides relief and makes healthy blood circulation possible. 


Progesterone levels are high during pregnancy. This is the hormone responsible for relaxing muscles, which means that this is the same hormone that relaxes the stomach valves whose main purpose is to keep acid out of the esophagus. As the uterus also expands from the growing baby, it pushes the stomach which forces acid into the esophagus causing heartburn. 


Under general circumstances, constipation is a result of low-fiber diet, anxiety and worry, minimal physical exercise. When you’re pregnant… constipation is often the doing of progesterone. It relaxes the intestinal muscle which make food and waste move slower. You may also be experiencing constipation if you’re taking iron tablets. Make sure you drink a lot of water or consider switching to a different type with the advice of your OBGYN to make sure its safe for you and the baby. 

Physical activity 

Carrying a baby is no easy feat. Extreme activities such as bungee jumping and triathlons that the mother enjoyed before pregnancy have to take a back seat for a while. However, you can still do yoga, swimming or walking during pregnancy to help manage discomfort and avoid the risk of experiencing pregnancy complications. But also check in with your doctor whenever you are in doubt as every mommies’ pregnancy experience is very different, that along with the other syndrome that we might develop at different stages.

Restless leg syndrome 

The third trimester of your pregnancy can be very daunting and exhausting and it is when the so-called restless leg syndrome (RLS) is at its worst. RLS happens when you have an uncontrollable urge to move your legs when you’re sleeping or even when you’re resting. Some healthcare providers say that rising estrogen levels cause RLS. It may be triggered by insufficient iron or folic acid. 

How can Madam Partum help you?

To help ease the discomfort in Mommy during pregnancy, we recommend a pre-partum massage that is tailored fit for Mommy’s special needs. 

The massage is administered by our well-trained masseuse with years of experience in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) massage. Our tuina techniques helps reduce swelling brought about fluid retention. This technique also dissolves tension and reduces cramping. 

Regardless of your needs – lessen your back pain, reduce swelling in feet, seek relaxation from exhaustion or me-time during your pregnancy – a pre-partum massage can offer you relief and the much needed pampering that you deserve. So go ahead and pencil in a date for yourself on your calendar with us! We can’t wait to see you!

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