
Madam Partum’s Post-Partum Holistic Care

Post Partum Recuperation Womb Recovery

Mommies need all the help they can get to recover from the rigours of childbirth. That’s why Madam Partum is here to help every mommy go through this crucial recuperation period.

It can be a challenging journey but with Madam Partum by your side, there is no need to worry.

The combination of postpartum massage, herbal bath and herbal soup will help you recuperate and regain the energy that you have before pregnancy and childbirth.

Our postpartum package reduces blood stasis and lochia so your womb can fully recover.

Post Partum Recuperation Regain Vitality

Childbirth places physical stress on the mommy. That is why it is advisable to get a postpartum massage coupled with following the regimen of drinking herbal soup and having an herbal bath. This way qi and blood replenishment is possible. This will also help the mommy develop healthy milk supply which is beneficial to the baby.

Along with physical recovery comes the confidence that you are losing weight and are slowly getting your pre-pregnancy figure back. Way to go Mommy!

It is Madam Partum’s mission to help every mommy regain vitality. We are here to walk with you throughout this journey. WhatsApp Us @ 8166 0060 or call hotline: 62 933 933 to ask Madam Partum any questions you may have

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