
Pre Partum

Mental Health & Well-being during pregnancy

Ways to improve mental health & well-being during pregnancy

While the roller-coaster emotions are largely seen as part of hormonal changes during your pregnancy (http://www.madampartum.com/blog-details/how-pregnancy-hormones-affect-your-body). As a pregnant woman, you will need to undergo a significant psychological adjustment as you adapt to the pregnancy and the notion that you will be nurturing a new life that you are fully responsible for can make it […]

Ways to improve mental health & well-being during pregnancy Read More ยป

Pre Partum and Post Partum Journey

Your Pre-Partum and Post-Partum Journey

Pre-partum therapy For your pre-partum needs, we recommend a total wellness massage that utilizes the masterful techniques of relieving stress, dissolving tension, and reducing cramps and swelling.  Nurturing a baby in the womb comes with the mommys’ responsibility to stay happy and healthy. The total wellness pre-partum massage was designed to use techniques that boost

Your Pre-Partum and Post-Partum Journey

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