

Pregnancy Exercise

Exercises to boost mommies’ energy and benefit babies’ health during pregnancy

They say that healthy Mommies make healthy babies. This is very true especially during pregnancy. Aside from having a balanced diet, how to make sure that Mommies are healthy during pregnancy?  Regular exercise during pregnancy can make delivery easier, reduce excess weight gain and improves overall health.  These five low-impact exercises that can help pregnant […]

Exercises to boost mommies’ energy and benefit babies’ health during pregnancy Read More ยป

Pre Partum and Post Partum Journey

Your Pre-Partum and Post-Partum Journey

Pre-partum therapy For your pre-partum needs, we recommend a total wellness massage that utilizes the masterful techniques of relieving stress, dissolving tension, and reducing cramps and swelling.  Nurturing a baby in the womb comes with the mommys’ responsibility to stay happy and healthy. The total wellness pre-partum massage was designed to use techniques that boost

Your Pre-Partum and Post-Partum Journey

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